Friday, January 3, 2014

Welcome 2014!!

So 2014 is here. I can't believe it's already a new year. I don't usually do new year's resolutions, but have decided that I will set several goals for 2014. I have so much going on in life and I know that not everything goes as planned. My past new year's resolutions never happened and goals seem better and I know that I can set a goal and even if I don't complete it, I can still work toward finishing it, even in a new year.

I do plan to finish school in 2014. I have 6 more classes left to take and if I do 3 at a time I will graduate this summer. I can't wait to have an associates degree and have actually finished a full program. I will have my medical administrative assisting degree and while things have changed since I started the program, I would love to get a job with that degree and make use of all my education. I do plan to one day get my bachelor's degree, but I don't think I will continue on with school. I think I will take a break from school and concentrate on other things.

I would love to start working as a doula and have some potential clients right now. I have a very interested paper to write for my program and once I am done with that I can continue on in my online education to become a doula. This is one area of my life that I am super excited to get started with. I love that I can work in this field and get hands on training while I am doing all the online education as well. I am part of an awesome support group on Facebook and learn something new every day. I have taken a placenta encapsulation course and once I get my paperwork turned in, I should be certified. I love doing placenta encapsulation. It has so many benefits and the placenta is such an amazing organ.

I opened my small business back up. This time I am not just jumping into it. I have worked really hard the past couple of months to make my business very professional and legal. I am learning more and more everyday, but now I am compliant with CPSIA and everything that has to do with children is now safe. I am also FDA compliant and even though I don't like how the FDA is run and some of their rules and regulations that do more harm than good in my opinion, I will still follow their guidelines.

I have also found a great program to start taking some holistic living classes. I am hoping to learn about aromatherapy accupressure, dream therapy, herbalism, homeopathy, massage therapy, pain management the holistic way, nutrition, reflexology, and yoga. I think it is pretty obvious I love learning and education.

While I wasn't planning on going back to work, the new health care laws and other new bills we will have has me looking for a few days a week to work. I would love for my businesses to take off so that I can stay home and continue my education and be home with my boys.

Thomas is getting big way too fast. I can't believe he is already 2, almost 3, months old. He is such a big baby and is doing things so much earlier than Warren. Warren is also getting big and older way too fast. He is talking so well now and he is so smart. It's so amazing to watch my kids grow. I love being able to be at home with them and wouldn't change it for the world. I wish I could keep things like this forever.

One of the most exciting things I am doing right now, is working on brochures and powerpoints for classes that I will hopefully get to teach at the birthing center. I love learning and I also love spreading my knowledge. I can't wait to teach people about the wonderful things, like cloth diapers, essential oils, baby food making, doulas, placenta encapsulation, elimination communication, baby led weaning, baby wearing, and pregnancy nutrition.

I am also doing VBE training and hoping to be able to learn everything possible about baby wearing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

oh boy...

Well Thomas is now 6 weeks old and having a major growth spurt. He is attached to me pretty much all day long. I love the little baby cuddles, but it would be nice to have some time to use my hands, haha. He has his first Dr. appointment the other day and weighed in at 13 lbs 11 oz. He is in the 96th percentile for weight. He was 23.75 inches long, which puts him in the 97th percentile for height. He is basically my cute little 6 week old living in a 3 month old body. We are already almost out of the 3 month clothes and we just switched to size 2 diapers. He will definitely be his daddy's football player.

As for me, I just started my term at NAU. The med law class is going to kill me, I can already see it. It is so difficult to find motivation for these classes now day. I am getting into the last classes which are the main ones and are more difficult and time consuming than my past classes. The ones I am currently taking are not very interesting to me either, so that makes it harder.

I have however pretty much finished updating the Stitched Treasures website. I am still debating on switching from WePay over to PayPal. I am so nervous about that though because PayPal has always caused me problems before. I love WePay, but since it is still so unknown and not as widely used I think people are skeptical about it and I wonder if it is taking away from my sales.

I am super excited for one of my best friends to give birth soon. I am hoping she will choose to have me come and do her placenta encapsulation. Not only do I need it to help with my training, but I would love nothing more than to get to see her again.

I have been working a lot on getting my doula and placenta encapsulation website and services stuff set up. It has been a lot of work getting all of this stuff set up and ready, but I know that it is all worth it and I can't wait to really get started.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Just Keep Swimming....

Well each day is filled with lots of reading for me now days. I am almost done with my placenta encapsulation training. I cannot wait to actually get started and do some encapsulation. I am pretty much done reading everything that is required and am now working on completing my essays and tests. I think everyone should learn how awesome of an organ the placenta is and just how helpful it can be.

I am still working on my doula training as well. I am still in the beginning of it, but have gotten lots of reading done. Its amazing what all you get to learn as a doula. I have been working on getting all of my paperwork set up and organized and have started to come up with some awesome ideas as gifts and fun things for my future clients.

I have also been thinking of some classes that hopefully my midwives will let me offer at their birthing center. I can't wait to start working with them and their clients. Hopefully we can make more people aware of all their choices and options when it comes to birth, not only in a birthing center or at home, but also at a hospital.

I have also been working on all of my business stuff. I have my LLC and DBA's registered. I got my EIN today and have started doing the paperwork for my wholesale suppliers. I can't wait to make my first orders with them and get my store stocked up on some awesome goodies. I also talked to a CPA and made sure that I have all of my documents in order to keep my financial stuff recorded correctly. Everything is slowly but surely falling into place.

Hopefully I will get most of the business stuff done this next week before I start school again on Monday. I will however, be taking a break from all this craziness on Thursday when I take the boys to meet their great grandma and then spend the weekend at the beach with my parents. Hopefully it isn't too cold, because I would really love to spend some time with my toes in the sand. :)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thomas Wayne Loper

Before I start my story, I just want to say thank you to everyone that was there and helped with the birth of Thomas. Sandra and Joycelyn were probably the best midwives I could have ever asked for. Nikki was an awesome doula and a great inspiration. I'm extremely glad my sister was there with me and I'm super glad my wonderful husband got to take off work and be there with us also.
I want to give a great big thank you to Amanda Jackson for being probably the best photographer around. She did my maternity photos as well as my awesome birth photos.

So, here it goes....

From my due date we started trying all kinds of methods to help start labor. I had been taking evening primrose oil and drinking red raspberry leaf tea since I was 34 weeks. We started doing daily walks, nipple stimulation, acupressure and I started taking 5-w somewhere around 39, almost 40 weeks. A little after my due date I went for 3 days of acupuncture, hoping it would help along with knowing the full moon was coming. I began to burn clary sage and use it in my baths as well. I also had a membrane sweep and we talked about other methods that could be tried. 

As I approached 41 weeks I just knew that Saturday would be the day.  Friday night was the harvest moon so after I woke up from a nap I went outside to see if I could see it, but it was raining. I decided to take a nice long warm bath with clary sage and when I got done I fixed my hair and painted my toes and fingernails before going to bed. I woke up Saturday morning with a few irregular contractions. 

I grabbed Warren and the stroller and we headed for a long walk to the big local park. I texted my midwife, Sandra, and asked how castor oil worked and if it would be possible to try a small amount. Walking back from the park I was trying to decide if I really wanted to try it. When we went to the store I picked some up just in case I did decide to try it. Later after eating dinner I texted Sandra and told her I was going to try it. Ed had left for work an hour or so earlier and I told him that weather or not I did try castor oil, tonight would be the night and to expect to come home. I took 2 oz of castor oil in a chocolate shake around 7 pm. I got Warren and we laid down in bed and started watching an episode of sesame street. I almost made it through the whole episode before I started to feel the castor oil. I went to the bathroom and immediately I felt a contraction along with the stomach pain from the castor oil cleaning me out. I started to time the contractions and they were anywhere from 4-6 minutes apart and the slight cramping I felt with them lasted about 30 seconds. 

I texted Sandra and Ed and told them what was going on. Sandra told me she was pretty sure I was in early labor and they would be heading my way. I then texted my sister, Amanda and Nikki and told them I was in early labor. While everyone was on their way to me, I made my bed, put a plastic sheet on it and got it prepared. I then started to get the tub out. Sandra and Joycelyn arrived and started setting up the pool. I told Ed they were here and he got a replacement called in and started to head home. Warren was running around like a crazy kid, showing off for all the people at the house. 

Amanda arrived shortly after the midwives and then Nikki showed up. The contractions kept coming about every 4 minutes. About 11 pm or so Ed arrived home and took Warren into the movie room to try to calm him down. After things got all set up and calmed down, my sister arrived and we all went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was really cold outside. When we got back to the house I went up and down the stairs a few times to try to make things progress, but the contractions kept at 4 minutes apart. 

I tried to lay down and see if I could get a little bit of sleep, but it was only like 2 or 3 am and we are normally up at that time so I just couldn’t fall asleep. We all sat in the living room playing games on our phones and taking short naps in our chairs. Sometime around 3:30 am the contractions started to get closer together and stronger. Sandra said that I was now in labor. I was still pretty silently breathing through them. 

About 4:30 am I decided I wanted to know how much I had progressed. So I got in bed and they checked me. I was at 5 cm. All I could think is “wow, we are only half way there. We still have a long way to go.” So Ed came and laid down with me and we were going to try to relax and watch an episode of Heroes. We were not even 4 minutes into the episode and I felt these 2 extremely painful pains. It felt like Thomas was punching my cervix or had broken my water. I screamed in pain. The midwives came in and told me things were really picking up and I would be having a baby soon. 

They finished filling up the tub and I slowly got up out of bed and made my way to the tub. As I got in the contractions got extremely strong and much closer together. I could no longer be silent and was moaning through each contraction. As I got toward the end I was saying “I can’t do this anymore” and “I don’t want another one.” Just as I started getting the urge to push I said “I want to go the hospital” with a smile on my face. Joycelyn had told me that they always heard that from their clients, so I just had to say it. 

I reached down to feel and see this awesome experience. Then with the next contraction I pushed and he was crowning. I pushed again and had to slow down so I wouldn’t tear, but I saw his head being born. I knew something wasn’t right. I didn’t feel another contraction and didn’t feel the urge to push again. I could tell his head looked almost purple and suddenly Joycelyn got concerned and called Sandra over. They told me his shoulders were stuck and that I needed to stand up. I freaked out because I didn’t think I would be able to stand up, but with a little help they got me on my feet.

I still didn’t feel a contraction or an urge to push, even though Sandra was telling me to push, I just couldn’t. She grabbed him and as I tried with all I had to push she pulled him out. His cord had been wrapped around his neck, but they quickly unwrapped it and as I sat back down they laid him on my chest. He finally cried  as everyone washed the warm water onto the towels that were laid over us. 

Ed got to cut the cord, but they had to immediately give me a shot of Pitocin because I had been anemic for a while and we didn’t want to risk anything. Shortly after that I started to really bleed, so they got me out of the tub and onto my bed. I didn’t have a single tear, only some rub burn. I then delivered the placenta and because I was still bleeding pretty bad they gave me another shot to stop the bleeding. 

They did a thorough check of Thomas and then weighed him. No one could believe he was 10 lbs 3 oz.  and 23” long. 

It was the most awesome and empowering experience of my life and I would do it a thousand times over.
It was different from my pitocin induced birth with Warren and I really enjoyed being in my own home and feeling comfortable. I loved being able to walk around and do what my body wanted me to do. I loved being in my own bed and able to immediately walk and do what I wanted after he was born. 

To see the video Amanda made with my birth photos, click here!

Life Update

Well I haven't been able to blog for a long time. I went through some interesting times toward the end of my pregnancy. I suffered with some depression and it made me not want to do much of anything. I got behind in school and just kind of sat around my house. I did manage to pull myself out of my hole and I had an absolutely wonderful birth. I had my home water birth and it was the most amazing thing I have experienced in my life. I will post my complete birth story later.

Since then I got completely caught up in my college classes and passed them both with A's.  I also loved my midwives so much that I have decided to become a doula. I am working on becoming both birth and postpartum doula certified and am in the process right now. I am also working to become a certified placenta encapsulater. I cannot wait to get started on this journey.

Also, during my pregnancy I got involved in learning more about making cloth diapers and other things of that nature. I had my business "Bethany's Boutique" open and sold a few things, but as I got toward the end of my pregnancy I closed the shop to any new custom handmade orders. I learned so much after closing to new orders that I have decided to go in a new direction. I am working on becoming completely compliant with CPSC and the FDA regarding everything that I intend to sell. I am extremely excited about my future.

Recently I obtained my LLC and both of my DBA's. I will know be conducting business sales of homemade sewn items and other natural products under the name "Stitched Treasures." I am super excited about getting a new Baltic amber supplier and also bringing Essential Oils into my shop. I will be providing my doula and placenta services under the name "A Breathtaking Beginning."

I am currently on break from my college classes and spending time getting a lot of paperwork in order and working on my doula and placenta studies and spending LOTS and LOTS of time with my boys. I love to stay busy and that is exactly what I am doing. I love that I get to be at home and spend my time holding my babies and reading. I hope my dreams continue to come true...

Sunday, August 25, 2013

33 Weeks

This has been quite the interesting pregnancy for me. I have been so busy with everything that I just can't find the time to sit down and write about it all. I am finally on break from school. I will about about 2 weeks off and then I will start two online classes. I am hoping they aren't too difficult since I know I will be out for at least a week when the baby gets here. I am still working on the weekends. This is something new for me since I didn't work or go to school at all when I was pregnant with Warren. I got to stay home and be the lazy house wife when I was pregnant the first time. I also got to experience prepartum depression during this pregnancy. I believe it is because Ed and I are working totally opposite work schedules and I felt like I didn't get to see or spend much time with him. I started taking some different vitamins and managed to pull myself out of the depression hole. I am taking it slow with other things in life as I get closer and closer to the end of this pregnancy. I have been gaining weight like crazy this pregnancy and I am already super uncomfortable. I have been taking some pictures throughout the pregnancy, so I will try to get back on here later and do some more updates that include pictures and lots of other fun pregnancy information.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Week 15


I met with Sandra, the midwife, and her assistant and have decided to have a water home birth. I did have an OB appointment this week. We did blood work and a full body check. The babies heartbeat was in the 140's and they also did an ultrasound. According to the 14 week ultrasound the baby is a boy, but we will see for sure once we get closer to 20 weeks. 

Next Appointments:
OB appointment for another ultrasound and some DNA testing - May 15
Midwife will be coming to my house for checkup - May 15 


So far this pregnancy has been quit different from my first. This time my morning sickness doesn't seem to want to go away. I also have terrible insomnia and don't seem to be getting much sleep now days.

Weight Gain:
I am now 10 lbs. above pre pregnancy weight.